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Going On A Fishing Charter: What You Need To Know


Heading out on a fishing charter expedition can be a unique and rewarding experience. Like a trusted tour guide, your captain can bring you to the fish, saving you from dreary hours of wondering what you might be doing wrong. To prepare, read this article.
Heading out on a fishing charter expedition can be a unique and rewarding experience. Like a trusted tour guide, your captain can bring you to the fish, saving you from dreary hours of wondering what you might be doing wrong. Not only can it be a great trip for experienced anglers, it is perfect for people who have done very little in the past and would like a way to enjoy the sport as it was meant to be enjoyed. Before you start planning your trip, however, there are a few things you should make yourself aware of.

For one thing, don’t expect to book a good charter fishing boat for tomorrow morning. Good captains will have plenty of business, especially when the fish are biting. Plan out your trip and try to book the boat at least a couple of weeks in advance. Some of the busier captains may even require you to make your reservation earlier than that. Remember to shop around as well. Just because you see someone’s advertisement on the internet or in a local brochure doesn’t mean they have anything worth offering. Ask around and see who has a good reputation in the community.

Remember to ask questions about the fishing charter expeditions themselves. Obviously, not all boats and captains will offer the same kind of fishing. If you want to fish off the bottom, you need to find a boat that offers that type of experience. Inquire about prices, especially when you are getting more detailed or are asking for things that may not be offered in the general, basic package. You may also want to see whether this will be a trip just for you and your party or if you’ll be sharing it with other sportsmen.

Speaking of the details, don’t forget to ask about the little things. Many fishing charter expeditions are quite lengthy, which means you will probably be getting hungry and thirsty before the trip is finished. Find out if these refreshments will be provided or if you should bring your own provisions. Likewise, if you enjoy a drink or two while out on the boat, you need to make sure the boat you’re thinking of hiring actually allows such a thing. Not all of them do.

Finally, remember that the captain will expect a tip at the end of your expedition so make sure you bring some cash with you when you go. There is often very little margin between the upkeep and the profit, so tips are where the captain makes his moneyArticle Submission, even if he owns the whole business. Take care of him just as he took care of you. 

Source: Free Articles from


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