Want to get the Shiny Starters? Shiny Zorua? Shiny legendary dogs? Shiny Mew? or any other shiny pokemon in the game? Adopt them today using SnD coins! Click here for more info.
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Welcome to the Sam and Dan Games Developer Blog!
Sam and Dan Games: Fundraiser! Phase 3

Help us keep making games and earn awesome prizes like Shiny Rayquaza, Cosmoid Starters for PTD 2 and Shiny Heatran!
Our Goal: $50,000
Back to the Story! Goldenrod's conclusion!
We got the new server up and running! Hopefully things are running smoothly for all of you. This is a nice step in the right direction but it is not perfect yet. It took roughly two weeks to move everything over and transfer all the data. I had to do it alone so my apologies for the long delay between significant updates. At the very least I wanted to make sure you guys got Mystery Gifts and giveaways.
On a side note the Funding reached 20% wooo! Pretty soon I'll be adding more prizes but for now I will focus on PTD2 since we had 2 weeks of no new content.
So like the title of the blog says we will be concluding Goldenrod City this update. You will finish off Team Rocket and open of the poke mart which will have a large amount of new items to buy. It will also open up the other places even though some of them you won't be able to enter due to the destruction Team Rocket caused.
Percentage Damage Moves Change
There will be a change in how damage in moves like Fire Spin, Leech Seed, and statuses like Burn and Poison works. Instead of being based on a certain attack power they will be based on a percentage of health of the tower doing the attack. The reason it's based on the tower doing the attack instead of the target like the game is that if it's based on the target it will either do too much damage (like on bosses) or too little damage (when battling low level enemies). As an example Leech Seed will now do 1/8 of your total health as damage to the enemy instead of what it does currently. This should make these moves and statuses stronger than they are now.
Mystery Gift
Like every week we will have a Mystery Gift and a giveaway. This week Ground won and right now Hippopota and Numel are in the lead!
Lastly I want to give the first 50 people that read this a special giveaway for shiny Larvitar! The code is.... larvitar All larvitar have been taken! Thanks guys!
Weekly Progress
PTD2 v1.57 - A meeting with Giovanni - Released!
PTD2 v1.56.1 - Mystery Gift Released!
PTD2 v1.56 - Executive Fight Released!
Welcome to the Sam and Dan Games Developer Blog!
Sam and Dan Games: Fundraiser! Phase 3

Help us keep making games and earn awesome prizes like Shiny Rayquaza, Cosmoid Starters for PTD 2 and Shiny Heatran!
Our Goal: $50,000
Back to the Story! Goldenrod's conclusion!
We got the new server up and running! Hopefully things are running smoothly for all of you. This is a nice step in the right direction but it is not perfect yet. It took roughly two weeks to move everything over and transfer all the data. I had to do it alone so my apologies for the long delay between significant updates. At the very least I wanted to make sure you guys got Mystery Gifts and giveaways.
On a side note the Funding reached 20% wooo! Pretty soon I'll be adding more prizes but for now I will focus on PTD2 since we had 2 weeks of no new content.
So like the title of the blog says we will be concluding Goldenrod City this update. You will finish off Team Rocket and open of the poke mart which will have a large amount of new items to buy. It will also open up the other places even though some of them you won't be able to enter due to the destruction Team Rocket caused.
Percentage Damage Moves Change
There will be a change in how damage in moves like Fire Spin, Leech Seed, and statuses like Burn and Poison works. Instead of being based on a certain attack power they will be based on a percentage of health of the tower doing the attack. The reason it's based on the tower doing the attack instead of the target like the game is that if it's based on the target it will either do too much damage (like on bosses) or too little damage (when battling low level enemies). As an example Leech Seed will now do 1/8 of your total health as damage to the enemy instead of what it does currently. This should make these moves and statuses stronger than they are now.
Mystery Gift
Like every week we will have a Mystery Gift and a giveaway. This week Ground won and right now Hippopota and Numel are in the lead!
Weekly Progress
- Mystery Gift (100%) - Poison Type (Venipede and Stunky)
- Graphics (100%)
- Stats (100%)
- Evolutions (100%)
- Add to Breeding Center (100%)
- Add to Trading Center (100%)
- Game Change (100%) - Capturing a pokemon will now give you experience.
- Bug Fix 1 (100%) - Goldenrod Cutscene not triggering after the fight when you haven't beat it before.
- Bug Fix 2 (100%) - Pokemon can no longer spawn on top of other pokemon or objects that prevent them from moving.
- Bug Fix 3 (100%) - You now have to beat the Azalea Gym before leaving to the next part.
- New Pokemon (100%) - Yanma, Yanmega, Sunkern, Sunflora, Sudowoodo, Stantler
- Graphics (100%)
- Stats (100%)
- Evolutions (100%)
- New Ability (100%)
- Sap Sipper (100%)
- Add To Breeding Center (100%)
- Add To Trading Center (100%)
- Route 35 (100%)
- Trainer Battle (100%)
- Map Background (100%)
- Wild Pokemon Waves (100%)
- Pokemon Map Behavior (100%)
- Nidorans (100%)
- Growlithe (100%)
- Yanma (100%)
- National Park (100%)
- Map Background (100%)
- Map Music (100%)
- Wild Pokemon Waves (100%)
- Pokemon Map Behavior (100%)
- Scyther (100%)
- Pinsir (100%)
- Sunkern (100%)
- Trainer Battle (100%)
- Route 36 (100%)
- Map Background (100%)
- Wild Pokemon Waves (100%)
- Pokemon Map Behaviour (100%)
- Vulpix (100%)
- Stantler (100%)
- Sudowoodo Battle (100%)
- Route 37 (100%)
- Map Background (100%)
- Wild Pokemon Waves (100%)
- Trainer Battle (100%)
- Story Movie Scene (100%) - Made by Joel
- Game Chance 1 (100%) - You will now get +1 pokedollar after every battle, including non trainer battles.
- Bug Fix 1 (100%) - Fixed sometimes not being able to give a pokemon an item when they haven't taken damage.
- Bug Fix 2 (100%) - Enemy pokemon, since they had boosted HP, were doing burn and poison damage that was too high. The damage has been normalize as if they had the same hp boost as the player's pokemon.
- New Attacks (100%)
- Focus Blast (100%)
- Flash (100%) - Can only affect enemies. Lowers their accuracy by one level.
- Poke Center (100%)
- Poke Mart (100%)
- Item Menu (100%)
- New Items (100%) - X Sp. Attack, X Sp. Defense, X Accuracy, Guard Spec, Dire Hit, Revive, Full Heal, Burn Heal, Ice Heal.
- New TMs (100%) - Flash, Protect, False Swipe, Light Screen, Reflect, SolarBeam, Focus Blast, Thunder Punch, Fire Punch, Ice Punch, Rock Smash.
- Mystery Gift (100%) - Ground Type (Hippopotas and Numel)
- Graphics (100%)
- Stats (100%)
- Evolutions (100%)
- Add to Breeding Center (100%)
- Add to Trading Center (100%)
- Attack Percentage Change (100%)
- Confused damage will be based on a 40 power typeless physical attack done by the pokemon that is confused to itself (100%)
- The attack Outrage will now work similar to Thrash and Petal Dance (100%) - The confusion status will not be applied until the attack has been used 10 times.
- Team Rocket Fight (100%)
- Hilarious Dialog (100%)
- Battle Design (100%)
- Battle Layout (100%)
- Battle Waves (100%)
- New Attacks (100%)
- Houndoom's Flamethrower (100%)
- Mystery Gift (100%) - Rock Type (Tirtouga and Dwebble)
- Graphics (100%)
- Stats (100%)
- Evolutions (100%)
- New Abilities (100%)
- Solid Rock (100%)
- New Attacks (100%)
- Rock Wrecker (100%)
- Add to Breeding Center (100%)
- Add to Trading Center (100%)
That's what I have for you this week, keep checking back to see how I'm doing! As always let me know what you think!
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