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Pan Seared RedFish over Grilled Corn and Crab Risotto

              Written by  Chef Robbie
Pan Seared RedFish over Grilled Corn and Crab Risotto Photograph by Chef Robbie
Good Afternoon kayak anglers. First let me take a sec to introduce myself. My name is Robbie Delaney; I am an Executive Chef for Sodexo at the Virginia Aquarium. I have been cooking for the past 15 years and loving every second of it. I like to cook just about anything from fine dining food to grilled cheese. But whatever I cook I try to make it the best I do. Chip Treehugger Gibson, asked me the other day "what is my best dish?".
I get asked that all the time and don’t have an answer for that. I guess I lean more to local ingredients and have a little southern or country influence thanks to my grandmother (rip).
When YakSushi reached out to me and asked if I wanted to start submitting recipes here I was stoked so here we go. If any of you have any suggestions please shoot them over to me, I love playing with food so let’s have fun.
Pan Seared Fish over Grilled Corn and Crab Risotto Topped with Roasted Shrimp and Mango Salsa and Finished with a Smoked Chipotle Remoulade
  • The Filets of Medium Sized Redfish, Scaled
  • Breading (more like a dusting)
  • 1.5 Cup of AP Flour
  • 1.5 Cup Japanese Bread Crumbs
  • 1 Tbs Kosher Salt
  • 1 tsp White Pepper
  • ½ tsp Cayenne Pepper
  • 1 tsp Chili Powder
Mix above ingredients in a gallon Ziploc well. Taste and adjust seasoning if needed
Grilled Corn and Crab Risotto
  • 3 ears of corn either grilled with husk on or roasted in oven. Cut cornels off cob
  • 6 -7 Cup of Chicken Stock
  • 1.5 Cup of Risotto (Arborio Rice)
  • 4 oz Crab Meat
  • 2 Tbs Sugar
  • Salt Pepper to taste
With half of corn and all the sugar add it to stock and bring to boil for 5 min. Remove from heat and Puree in Blender and Strain. This will give your stock a sweet corn taste. In stockpot add risotto and toast for 5 min over med heat stirring constantly. Pour half of stock into rice and bring to a boil, reduce to a simmer and stir occasionally, as liquid evaporates and rice begins to show top rice off with more stock just to cover. You may need to do this 3 or 4 time. Remember to stir occasionally being sure it doesn’t stick. When done fold in roasted corn and Crabmeat. Mean While you can start on your Salsa
Roasted Shrimp and Mango Salsa
  • ¼ # of peeled shrimp (21 / 24)
  • 2-3 mango skinned and Diced
  • ½ red onion Small Diced
  • 1 or 2 Jalapeño Deseeded and diced
  • 2 ea Limes Juiced
  • ½ Bunch of Cilantro, Chopped
Rinse your shrimp and coat lightly with a little Extra Virgin Olive Oil and roast in 350* preheated oven for about 5 min or until just pink. Remove from oven and dice. While shrimp is in oven combine all other ingredients and taste. Re-season with salt and pepper and you can add little more jalapeño for more heat. This should be a little tangy from lime, a little hot and a little salty. Once shrimp is diced and cooled fold into salsa.
Smoked Chipotle Remoulade
  • 1 Cup Mayonnaise preferably Dukes
  • 8 tsp Chopped Capers
  • ¼ Red Onion diced
  • 2 Stalks of celery small dice
  • 2 Tbs Dijon Mustard
  • Smoked Chipotle in adobe sauce
Combine all above ingredient and add salt and pepper to taste. Spoon Adobe sauces for chipotle can till you get desired heat.
Now the Risotto and the Salsa is done time to cook your Catch
You can cut both Filets in half to make four portions
In a large Sautee pan heat about ½” of Canola Oil to 325* the amount of oil should only barley cover the bottom half of the fish when you put it in.
Fish should be a little moist but not soaking wet
Add them to the Ziploc and Shake to lightly coat fish. Don’t shake too hard you don’t want to beat up the fish. When you start to add the fish to the oil lift handle and tilt pan away from you so oil doesn’t splatter towards you and gently slide fish in skin side up. Add as many sides that will fit in your pan without crowding so you can turn them over. Give the fish about 3-5 min per side and turn gently with a thin fish spatula. Again lift pan so not to splatter towards you and be gentle so you don’t break the fish. Finish cooking fish another 3 min or so.
Meanwhile go ahead and set your plates.
Spoon a large pile of the risotto in the middle of your plate and spoon the remoulade at the 2oclock 6 o’clock and 10 o’clock points on your plate.
When fish is done let it rest of a paper towel for on minuet then use spatula to move it right on top of the risotto skin side down. Now spoon your Salsa directly over the fish.


Hope you enjoy
Chef Robbie
Fishin Chef



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