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Menampilkan postingan dari Oktober, 2014

Love the look

Happy Hallows' Eve!! (so silly, but I've wanted to say that all day). That is the beauty of having a very curious seven year old. He asks a million questions and I look up the answers with him. I thought in honor of this spooky holiday, I'd share some picks with an edge. I'm not suggesting you wear them all together but one off beat piece with an outfit is always sorta fun! Here's my round up: 1. Loving this ring holder. I don't know about you, but I lose more rings than anything. Here is a perfect way to keep them organized. 2. The combo of fur and leather here looks perfect. 3. Who adorns anything better with skulls than Alexander McQueen did? 4. Chanel has fabulous deep colors. I love this option for the toes. 5. And the perfect leather jacket . 6. The rock stud Valentino bootie is the hottest shoe of the season. 7.  Alexander McQueen, again. (love the way this is tied, btw) 8. I adore this cuff . 9. This great Max and Chloe  bracelet is on sale today!

Shelter Loves....

Hello! This week my "loves" directly reflect what I've been working on......I've been accessory shopping like crazy for two jobs and also completed some great design boards for a home that we are wrapping up. Here are the details and my thoughts! 1. I'm creating some version of this image as my Thanksgiving center piece. I'm adding magnolia leaves (if I can find them), gilded details and some orange to the mix but I like the feel of the white and green together. I also have a platter that will contain it all. 2. & 3.  I put together an office design board Monday. I included a great zebra rug idea along with a beautiful vintage lamp. 4. A cure for most bad days!! 5. I'm adoring the Eduardo Garza collection for West Elm . I'm going to order this small box for a job today. It's both sweet and glamorous. 6. These boots !! A staple for almost any closet. ** And they are on sale!! I love a good sale. *** I skipped the love knot earrings - I usually

Thoughts on home...Thankgiving

I've decided to host Thanksgiving at my home this year, so I thought it would be fun to share my ideas through a mini-series of posts leading up to the holiday.  I'll be setting a beautiful table and will photograph the details and will share the end results with you right before Thanksgiving. I've been doing a little research, I'm going to use these images to inspire my center piece and table setting ideas. I plan to mix natural elements with china, crystal and candles. I'll be revealing my menu next week!!  Enjoy!

Shelter Loves...

Friyay at last!!! I've been working from my home office all week. I haven't felt up to venturing out much with this puffy face and semi-black eye. This has however given me a chance to work on some design boards for my fabulous clients. I, I'm sure like you, tend to overbook myself on a weekly basis.  It has been productive working only from home..... Here is what I'm adoring today! 1. These Sorel boots . They tend to sell out, so I'm purchasing my pair early this year. I know the slush and sleet (boo) are right around the corner! The farmer's almanac is predicting a chilly, stormy winter. ;) 2. I was sad to hear of Oscar de la Renta's passing. He was truly one of America's most beloved fashion designers. His career spanned half a century. I've always admired his beautiful haute couture creations. I've read he was a wonderful mentor. One of his most recent wedding designs graced bride Amal Alamuddin Clooney this past September. 3. My post wouldn

Love the look.....

I'm heading to a Patriot's Game on Sunday, this is about what I will wear. I'm not an over sized game jersey sort of girl but I want to be comfy and practical. It looks like a sunny day too, so I'll be loading on the sunscreen. That's where my back story comes in: I had to have some basal cell cancer removed from my nose yesterday. It was a long procedure and I then had a plastic surgeon close it and stitch it up. I was pretty un-prepared this am for not only how swollen my face would be but the size of the enormous stitched up wound on my face! UGH. I'm paying the price now for spending too much time in the sun as a teenager. Don't get me wrong, I'll always go to the beach, but I will NOT leave the house without at least a 30spf sunblock on my face! I don't want to be a Debbie downer but I am however offering my advice to all you beautiful people. If facial sunscreen isn't a part of your daily routine, I would highly suggest adding it asap. xx H

Feminine living......thoughts on home

As I have mentioned, my goal to finish my home by the holidays.. (or almost finish it anyway). I figured I would take the advice I give to my own clients when they are feeling frazzled by their projects:  "Let's finish the room(s) that you (or we) have started so you feel as though one space is finished." This gives you both a clear sense direction and accomplishment! My bedroom is almost finished. It only needs a few finishing touches so I have decided to wrap that up. The room will be the most feminine one in my home, besides my daughter's bedroom. It is a fairly calming space except for a slightly graphic rug. The colors I've used so far are shades of navy, pale pink, and white. There are feminine details that I am drawn to in all of these bedrooms and I too have used a oatmeal color linen bed and fairly neutral bedding. 

Cottage Love #17

As you know I'm a sucker for a pretty home. Designer Beth Blake and husband Corbin Day's Sag Harbor retreat is colorful, whimsical and an iconic Greek Revival, New England cottage. Enjoy! Images and more info. here . Also, check out their dress line, Thread .

Shelter Loves....

Good Morning! It feels like summer this week, that's a birthday gift enough for this girl! Here's what I'm loving, besides the balmy weather this week! 1. I went to a wedding last Saturday, though I'm divorced, I still believe in the magic and romance of weddings and true commitments. I still can't help but pin pretty flowers and wedding gowns. This bouquet is stunning! 2.  Marissa Webb is updating Banana Republic's style a bit!! P.S. Mom, I adore these gloves . 3. It really makes a difference!! 4. I have some gallery walls that need to be finished!!!! My living room is done, now onto the hallway. 5. Ahhhhh, Olivia! Do you ever look bad?

Birthday wishes......

Happy Wednesday! I've been a busy lady. I had an install yesterday, it went very well, eek!! The client has been amazing to work with and their home is beautiful. I designed a number of custom pieces and I was thrilled with how they turned out. One in particular is fabulous. I'll share the image of it tomorrow! I don't usually mention my birthday on my blog, but I did want to share my b-day wish list and thoughts with you today! Here it goes: 1. I'm always thankful for another year, yes sometimes, turning a year older hurts but I'm blessed in so many ways...I'm thankful for my health and all I have including my wonderful children, boyfriend, family and friends! 2. I'm very thankful for my clients and blog readers, without you, I wouldn't have a thriving business or blog! So merci, merci!! xx 3. I'm also thankful for my partnership with ACE hardware and the crew I work with on a daily basis! 4. I feel very fortunate to own my little house - now it'

Choosing Between Spinning and Bait-casting Outfits

The Combination You Choose Can be the Difference Between Catching and Fishing By Ron Brooks The easiest outfit for newcomers to the angling world to use is usually a spin-cast or spinning rod and reel. Learning to operate and cast with one of these outfits is relatively painless, and certainly free of backlashes and tangles. These are the ones that most anglers use as they begin to learn how to fish. From that early experience of learning to fish, many anglers stick with spinning tackle, and are happy fishermen for years. Others migrate to the bait- casting world. In some parts of the country the term "conventional outfit" means the same thing as bait-caster. Conventional in this case refers a reel where the line is reeled onto a spool that sits perpendicular to the direction of the rod. The question many anglers ask is which type of reel is better, spinning or bait- casting? That answer depends on several things, not the least of which is angler pre

Catfishing Time

Catching Catfish By Jeff Williams While spring weather has many anglers across the country scratching their heads about where to go and what to do as lakes and rivers are high and muddy in some regions and low and clear in others, there is one group that doesn't care about the conditions - catfish anglers. "Channel catfish are the most widely stocked species in the country," said longtime guide and the founder of Team Catfish Tackle, Jeff Williams. "They can be found virtually in every kind of water we have, from neighborhood ponds to the largest rivers and reservoirs. Spring is a great time to catch catfish because they are often shallow and close to the banks." Water Conditions Williams especially likes when the water is high as it is right now in and around his home state of Oklahoma, saying it makes the catfish very active. He says what he is doing now to catch channel and blue catfish on nearby Grand Lake will work

Tips Lokasi Memancing

Keberadaan ikan di laut selalu ditandai dengan gejala-gejala alam yang ada. Bagi mania laut membaca tanda-tanda keadaan alam paling tidak menjadi pengetahuan dasar untuk keberhasilan memancing. Nah, sebenarnya tanda alam apa saja yang perlu diketahui oleh mania mancing? Para kapten laut ataupun mania mincing selalu menjadikan tanda-tanda alam sebagai panduan untuk mengetahui keberdaan ikan-ikan. Kelihaian membaca alam inilah yang membuat kesuksesan dalam memancing. Banyaknya Burung Banyaknya burung merupakan tanda-tanda alam pertama. Salah satu panduan bahwa di lokasi ada banyak ikan adalah dengan hadirnya banyak burung. Burung-burung tersebut sedang mencari makanan yang secara kebetulan di permukaan air terdapat banyak ikan-ikan kecil. Yang ikut menikmati ‘hidangan’ ikan-ikan kecil bukan hanya burung-burung yang terbang di udara saja, namun ikan-ikan ukuran sedang dan besarpun ikut berpesta. Sudah menjadi hukum alam atau hukum rantai makanan bahwa ikan-ikan bes


Jenis ikan yang di anggap paling kuat dalam olahraga mancing adalah jenis ikan berparuh. Kebanyakan dari jenis ini akan mempertontonkan atraksi yang cukup lengkap. Menyelam, melompat, menari dipermukaan, menggeleng dengan liar, dlsb. Beberapa pemancing pernah berucap: "Jangan pernah mengaku sebagai pemancing, sebelum menaklukan salah satu dari jenis ikan berparuh ini". Selain perlawanan yang gigih, jenis ini juga dikenal dengan ukurannya yang besar. Beberapa diantaranya bisa mencapai lebih dari 500 Kg. Memancing dengan tim yang solid (Kapten, kru kapal dan pemancing) sangat dianjurkan untuk memenangkan pertarungan dengan jenis ini. Bersiap akan sambarannya dan berilah Label (Tag) sebelum melepaskannya, jika anda memenangkan pertarungan tersebut. Berikut ini nama-nama ikan jenis Billfish, antara lain: 1. IKAN PEDANG NAMA LAIN : Broadbill Swordfish, Broadie, Pez Espada JENIS : Broadbill Swordfish, Broadie, Pez Espada UKURAN :