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Menampilkan postingan dari Oktober, 2017

Shelter Loves

Hello, hello. I've missed you all. I am not going to sugar coat it, life can be scary and sad. I wasn't up for much blogging last week but I think it is also a good distraction, so I am back at it today. Work is also going very well, so that is a positive......Here are some of my top pins from the past couple of weeks! Thank you for stopping in, have a great day. xoxoxo 1.  THIS. I am guilty of it. Nothing is ever going to be perfect, so try to see the positive, be thankful for the good, enjoy the ride, stay strong for others you love and get through the sad with your tribe.  2. I am a high-low outfit gal and clearly am loving graphic tees under blazers. The sneaker fad is A-Ok with me too.  3. The front of house rehab is finished (except for the high gloss door). Thanks to my rockstar Dad for doing all the work!!! A big thank you to Matty for your help too! I had a HUGE tree fall in my front yard during a wind storm last night, I am so thankful we are okay and that it missed t

Cara menggunakan whatsapp web

Whatsapp Web Dengan banyaknya pengguna aplikasi khususnya berbasis Chatting membuat para Developer semakin Berinovasi dalam memberikan pelayanan seperti penambahan fitur pada aplikasinya, kita pasti menyadari bahwa akhiur-akhir ini bahkan ada aplikasi yang sudah mendunia namun fitur yang di tambahkan sudah lebioh dulu di terapkan pada aplikasi semacamnya. tidak usah saya sebutkan yah nama aplikasi nya, tentu kalian sudah mengetahuinya. Hal itu juga yang di lakukan Whatsapp untuk terus menjadi aplikasi no 1 di dunia, whatsapp kini berinovasi dengan menciptakan fitur yang bernama WHATSAPP WEB . Bagi yang belum mengetahui apa itu WHATSAPP WEB, berikut yang kutipan dari situs resmi whatsapp mengenai fitur barunya yang canggih. Subway surfers game rekomendasi untuk anak-anak " Untuk memberikan pengalaman berkomunikasi yang lebih kaya bagi Anda, WhatsApp kini dapat diakses dari telepon dan komputer Anda. WhatsApp Web adalah ekstensi berbasis komputer dari akun WhatsApp pada telepon Anda

Love the Look

Good Morning! I wasn't able to share last week's look I am adoring, so I'm kicking off Monday with my usually mid week post! You all know I am a big fan of the high-low combo. It's also a good idea to never look like you are trying too hard. (wink wink) Alexa Chung has this idea down! Here she perfectly combines a dressy blazer with simple jeans. She chose the perfect pump to finish off her outfit. I also included my go to lipstick . Can you stand how adorable that Hillier Bartley bunny purse is? 1 // 2 // 3 // 4 // 5 // 6 // 7 // 8 // **I've shared a high and lower priced pump option.

What would sister parish do?

I am often inspired in some way by the past with aspects of my interior designs. A nod to the classics instills a home and a design with something authentic and inviting. The design firm of Parish-Hadley continue to be a source of inspiration for me. They were masters at infusing homes with traditional and modern elements. Earlier today,  I was pulling together a fabric design scheme (this has always been one of my favorite aspects of design) and I realized I needed a slightly preppy, somewhat bohemian print to complement the look. Who did I turn to? The Sister Parish collection of hand silk screened designs on eco friendly fabrics. Here is a sampling of prints that embody the Parish-Hadley style that I have come to appreciate so much. Sister always believed in supporting American artisans and companies. Here is a sampling of their prints, they are available printed on fabric or wall-coverings! Perfect!!

Cottage Love #60

I can't believe I have shared sixty smaller scale homes with you over the past nine years or so!! I'm still drawn to the coziness and comfort of a cottage style home, so I'll continue to share, share, share the goodness!  Fabulous things can come in small packages. Here's a peek at this month's fave cottage! It's the summer home of blogger Will Taylor and his husband. They did a fabulous job on the revamp..see all the details on Will's site Bright Bazaar . The nautical and clean masculine details are perfect!! (it makes me want to clean my house later today!)

Shelter Loves..

Hello Friday, it's always nice to see you! It's been a busy week and I've been fighting a damn cold. I am drinking my third cup of tea today as I type this. 'Tis the back to school season I guess. With that said, I am getting excited for all of the upcoming holidays. It's a hectic but fun time of year. October is full of birthdays in my family. (including my own) and it kicks off the celebrating. I'm not a huge Halloween person, my kids complain that we don't have any scary decorations out front or around the house...tough life they have! Here's what I've got the "feels" for this week! xx 1. French dressing (as I have mentioned before). I spent some time checking out all the street fashion during the "Fashion weeks" around the globe, I think Paris was my fave. I mean, look at her!! This image further confirms that my simple hair style is OK! I do own a fat barrel iron and adore the pretty curls but more often than not I don't

Love the look

Let's be honest, how often do you get very dressed up anymore? I am not saying I never dress up, I do from time to time. I think back to my 20's and I am sort of happy I don't have that dry cleaning bill anymore!! Granted I had some gorgeous clothing back then and always looked really chic but my life style and fashion in general has changed over the years. I do get dressed up to go out and for most of my client meetings but when working from my office or running my kids all over creation, I well, prefer looks like this! Cheers to that and to fall fashion!! This is a really simple outfit but it still looks pulled together!  kiss kiss ... 1 // 2 // 3 // 4 // 5 // #2 - these will be mine soon! #3 - is the perfect size bag. I splurge on bags because I keep them for years! #4 - These are a good price and staple.

Color Crush October : PINK

I took a summer break from my "color crush" series but I'm bringing it back!! It's no secret that I LOVE color and usually use it thoughtfully in my interior designs. I've brought back this monthly post in full force for a few reasons. First off, October is breast cancer awareness month. We all know someone who has been impacted by breast cancer or that is still fighting. If you would like to donate to research, learn more about prevention or the cause, the Susan G. Komen is a great starting point. My grandmother had it, as well as a few of my dear friends. The good news is there has been a 38% decrease in the mortality rate from 1989-2104. This is the main reason I've chosen this cheery, uplifting color as this month's crush!! The second is because it's my birthday month, and what says Happy Birthday more than pink?? Nothing! It is and will always be a favorite of mine.  Notes on the images: - These flowers and glasses pop this kitchen photo shoot of

Tuesday inspiration - Reese Witherspoon

With homes in Nashville, L.A. and three Draper James retail locations - I'd say one of my favorite Hollywood actresses, Reese Witherspoon, is a busy lady. I'm drawn to her classic southern girl style and the Draper James store and logo design is very much up my alley too. Mark D. Sikes  designed all the stores (lucky man) and is currently working on the interior of her Nashville home, that would honestly be a dream job for me. Here's a some Tuesday afternoon Reese inspiration. Keep on keeping on Reese, we're loving it! Also, looking forward to the next Big Little Lies mini-series.  Draper James stores Reese at home She has since sold this one.  Reese style