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Menampilkan postingan dari September, 2017

Love the look - transitional fall style

It's usually crisp and cool by late September in New England, at least in the morning and evenings, but this year? It feels more like an extension of August! I can't believe I am saying this but I'm looking forward to wearing sweaters and sipping hot toddies. I always appreciate the short season between summer and brisk fall when I can wear transitional clothing and not freeze or sweat my ass off. I'm loving this look and will be wearing it myself for as long as possible. Faithfull The Brand has some great pieces! A few of the items listed are from Shopbop - they are currently having a three day sale that you won't want to miss! Cheers! xx links: sweater // necklace // bag // jeans // flats

My home - Exterior paint choices

Hello, hello...So glad to be able to sit and blog today! I shared this photo of my kiddos on insta the other day. We had just gotten back from flag football, hence my son's sweaty forehead! The gallery wall is also a work in progress but the real story here is I'm finally getting new windows and redoing the front of my little ranchola!! I can't wait to dive in and paint the facade, the problem is, it's a simple home architecturally but I still want it to look gorgeous. I thought I'd share my thoughts, feel free to chime in on what you like for color schemes!! I will share paint chip ideas tomorrow. I can make decisions for my clients no problem but for my own home?? Not so much. Thoughts?? xx Body of the house:  - I am either going with  1. White or 2. Pale Grey  Here are some nice examples. The next question is to add shutters back on or go without. I am leaning towards shutters. I typically love white houses with black shutters on classic homes but I am not sure...


2017 Game of the Year - from media outlets *  Video Game Awards Only  - The Video Game includes Console games, PC games, Handheld games, and Indie games, but not Mac games, Kids games, Free games, etc. *  Professional Awards Only  - The Media include Sites, Magazines, Newspapers, Publications, Broadcastings, but not Blogs have a staff of one. *  All-Format GOTY Awards Only  - But a single GOTY pick must be a single title, except for a tie. * In release order. * More details are  here . Computer Bild (DE) : The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Stuff Gadget Awards (UK) : The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Trusted Reviews (UK) : The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild EE Pocket-lint Gadget Awards (UK) : The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Golden Joystick Awards (UK) : The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Golden Joystick Critics Choice (UK) : The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild TIME (US) : The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wi...