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Menampilkan postingan dari Agustus, 2014

Khazanah Pulau Pisang

  Khazanah Pulau Pisang Oleh Zahari Jaafar PONTIAN: Daerah ini memiliki perairan menghadap Selat Melaka. Terdapat banyak perkampungan nelayan di persisiran pantainya sekali gus banyak lokasi pancing boleh dikunjungi. Pulau Pisang adalah sebuah pulau di daerah ini. Terdapat rumah api sebagai panduan untuk kemudahan nelayan dan kaki pancing. Di situ tersedia banyak lubuk untuk dikunjungi. Lubuk itu dihuni ikan bermutu tinggi seperti jenahak, kurau, kerapu, merah dan tebal pipi. Penulis bersama rakan sempat beberapa kali memancing di sini. Jeti di Pontian Kecil dibina untuk kemudahan pemancing dan nelayan. Perjalanan dari jeti ke Pulau Pisang kira-kira sejam saja. Dalam satu kunjungan ke sini, kami membawa sotong, udang hidup dan cabuk untuk menduga lubuk di sekitar Pulau Pisang. Bot yang selesa untuk lima pemancing bergerak perlahan meninggalkan jeti di Pontian Kecil kira-kira jam 10 pagi. Kami mengamati Pulau Pisang sebaik saja bot berlegar-legar u...

10 Fishing Gems

   By Frank Faldo   Fishing Gem #1 - When Is Best? If you are in a boat and plan to anchor and bottom fish, get out there before the sun goes down and set up . Over many years, it has been noticed that a good bite usually starts 2 hours before sunrise. Use an alarm clock to make sure you don't miss it! You want to be set up and ready to wet-bait a half hour before the sun sets. Anchoring and cooking needs to be done prior to the sunset. Cooking while evening fishing can be hazardous and spills may occur! One of the reasons to be all set up at least 30 minutes before dark is that there is usually a minor bite ½ hour before or after either sunrise or sunset. Typically they feed shallower during this minor bite - about 30 feet down in many cases. Remember, on most bodies of water, the remaining minutes at twilight can be absolutely magical for fishermen. Fishing Gem #2 - Go Towards The Light! For good fast action (in either saltwater or freshwater), try ...

Gerong belang Kuala Pahang

Oleh Zulkarnain Omar PEKAN: Spesies gerong belang dan pari mampu membawa khabar gembira buat peserta Kategori Pantai pada Karnival GP Joran 2009 di Kuala Pahang, Ahad ini. Ini berikutan sejak kebelakangan ini dua spesies itu paling banyak didaratkan pemancing yang dikatakan datang untuk menguji gelanggang pantai Kuala Pahang sebelum acara sebenar mulai jam 8 pagi hingga 1 petang, Ahad ini. Antara yang datang menguji penghuni di situ ialah Azri Abu Bakar bersama Juara Kategori Pantai GP Johor 2009 di Desaru awal bulan lalu, Kapten Mohd Rosdi Abdullah. Hasilnya, dua spesies itu berjaya diseret ke pantai selepas membaham umpan udang hidup. Azri yang juga pengunjung setia pantai Kuala Pahang setiap hujung minggu bersama rakan dari Kuantan, akan mencuba nasib di situ dan pada masa yang sama sebagai persiapan bagi menghadapi GP Joran, Ahad ini. “Sasaran kami hanya ikan pari dan tidak menduga sama sekali gerong belang yang selalu bermain di laut lepas boleh sampai ke pantai. B...

Do You Make Your Kids Fishing Experience Enjoyable?

By Charles White   If you take your children fishing with you, they can enjoy something for the rest of their lives, as long as you make it pleasant for them. If on the other hand, you yell, scream and get upset with them a lot, then they won't enjoy it and neither will you. Make their fishing trips enjoyable and teach them responsibility at the same time. Let them get their own rod and reel ready with your help. Let them pack it in the car, get their own tackle ready. The only thing you really want to watch is the hooks if they're really young. Of course, if they need help then you give it to them. What they learn now will be with them forever. It is said the first few years of their life builds their character forever. Make their fishing experience pleasurable and ...

Shelter Loves....

Happy Friday, this week seemed to drag on for me! I got quite a bit accomplished but Thursday felt like Friday and Monday like Tuesday, etc. etc. Here are this week's picks on Shelter!! Enjoy the last "official" weekend of summer. My kids are off to school next week. This is both a happy and sad time for me, it symbolizes the end of summer but also a bit less chaos. Have you seen this video? Most mothers can relate, it's classic!!   xo 1. + 2. Jennifer Blecher's Star Sister Books are a wonderful chapter style format to read with your little ones. There is also a necklace available for purchase. They make a wonderful gift set!! Learn more here. 3. Loving this bear area rug from Pottery Barn Kids! Wrapping up my kiddo's rooms this Fall!! 4. Got to love the classic Aero Saarinen dining table, and seats with sheep skin throws...! 5. Adorable printed pant look! 6. I've always loved wrap bracelets, the more the better. Th is one and t his one are  from Tor...

Love the look....

 Today, I'm all about casual luxury......a soft t-shirt, comfy suede shoes, a vintage designer watch, a personalized touch, feminine lace details...I think you get the picture....A pair of jeans or fitted black or white pants would work perfectly with this look! I'm convinced it doesn't take a tons of money to create something fantastic that is entirely yours. This can be done with both your wardrobe and home. (or any creative venture for that matter). If you're feeling stuck, take a break for a few days and try again from a different approach. Sometimes starting from scratch is the best answer. ;) Bonsoir! 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5

Emperor red snapper

Emperor red snapper Conservation status Not evaluated  ( IUCN 3.1 ) Scientific classification Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata Class: Actinopterygii Order: Perciformes Family: Lutjanidae Genus: Lutjanus Species: L. sebae Binomial name Lutjanus sebae ( G. Cuvier , 1816) Synonyms Diacope sebae G. Cuvier, 1816 Diacope siamensis Valenciennes, 1830 Diacope civis Valenciennes, 1831 Genyoroge regia De Vis, 1884 The emperor red snapper , Lutjanus sebae , is a species of snapper native to the Indian Ocean and the western Pacific Ocean . This species is an inhabitant of both rocky and coral reefs , preferring flat areas with either a sandy or gravel substrate. They can be found at depths from 5 to 180 m (16 to 591 ft). This species can reach a length of 116 centimetres (46 in), though most do not exceed 60 cm (24 in). The greatest recorded weight for this species is 32.7 kg (72 lb). This species is commercially important and is also farmed . ...

Pulau Ketam, The Crab Island

Land Bigger Fish With These Great Tips

  Author: Rinieri Lott                                      Many people aren't very familiar with fishing. Others may have many years of experience out on the water. No matter what your level of expertise, you can always learn more. It is always possible to gain skills and perfect existing ones. Continue reading to discover some useful techniques which can help increase your success at fishing. When fishing at night, try using a lighted bobber. The lighted bobber has a tiny bulb inside it that will help you see it better when it goes underwater at night. The bite of a fish will cause the bobber to move vertically, as usual, and the fisher will be alerted by the light's movement. If you want to know where the fish are, keep an eye on th...


Oleh:Editorial Umpan     Ikan siakap yang turut dikenali sebagai barramundi atau nama saintifiknya   Lates Calcarifer terkenal di Malaysia, kawasan Aisa Tenggara dan Australia. Malahan perkataan barramundi merupakan kata pinjaman dari sejenis bahasa di kawasan Queensland yang bermaksud ‘ikan sungai sisik besar’. Spesies ini merupakan ikan catadromous dalam keluarga Latidae. Taburan spesies ini agak meluas terutamanya di kawasan perairan Indo-West Pacific. Taburan ikan siakap boleh ditemui di pinggir timur Teluk Gulf sehingga ke China, Taiwan, selatan Jepun, selatan Papua New Guinea dan selatan Australia.   Ikan siakap merupakan spesies ikan yang mempunyai toleransi salitini yang sangat tinggi. Toleransi saliniti ini membawa maksud kepada daya toleran spesies ini terhadap sifat saliniti air atau kemasinan air. Jadi, ikan siakap mampu hidup dalam keadaan air masin atau air tawar. Toleran...

Easy Herbed Grilled Salmon Recipe

By Peggy Trowbridge Filippone Home Cooking Expert You can use this method on pretty much any type of thick fish filet if salmon is not available. The herbs, wine , and lime give salmon a fabulous flavor, while the foil tray makes clean-up easy and keeps your grill clean. If you cannot grill, bake the salmon in a very hot oven. Ingredients Vegetable oil spray 1-1/2 pounds boneless salmon filet about 1-inch thick (large end preferred) 1/2 lime 2 Tablespoons white wine 1 teaspoon mayonnaise (may substitute butter) 1/2 teaspoon kosher salt (optional) 1/2 teaspoon onion powder 1/2 teaspoon garlic powder 1/2 teaspoon lemon pepper 1/2 teaspoon dried oregano 1/2 teaspoon dried basil 1/2 teaspoon dried dill weed 1/4 teaspoon Hungarian sweet paprika Prep Time : 10 minutes Cook Time : 15 minutes Total Time : 25 minutes Yield : 4 servings Preparation Preheat grill to high heat. Make a tray out of a doubled-length of heavy-duty foil larg...

Thoughts on home...

With Fall approaching, I'm looking forward to focusing some of my energy and time on the inside of my home. Much like the cobbler anecdote, my projects tend to come last. I can't really bare to spend the gorgeous weekends indoors on "home" projects during the summer months. When the weather turns raw and chilly I enjoy focusing on my house!! This top image shows what I have done so far on my daughter Emerson's room. I had custom pillows made along with Pottery Barn Kids bedding.( PB Kids is having a 60% off  Labor Day Sale ) The walls are painted light pink in Clark+Kensington's :  Cherry Blossom 03D-1. It is a beautiful pale pink shade. The two images below are of my grandmother's (we called her Memere) bed. She was a very special person and I'm looking forward to using her bed in my daughter's room. Emmi and I chatted about her room this morning and we've decided to paint the bed a pretty yellow shade. I think the rug will be pink and white...


Off and running today...I am visiting a custom furniture maker (one of my favorite things to design) to check in on the progress of two amazing pieces, then to another appointment and finally trying to squeeze in a little back to school shopping with my seven year old son (who is becoming very opinionated about his clothing choices, are you finding this??) before having to race to pick up my daughter at child care. One element that separates a strong designer from the rest is being able to pull together a cohesive story, this is especially true with marketing and graphic designers. I came across these collateral images today. They tie in beautifully with the store front and all facets of this floral business. Well done! Have a great one! xx images via  and the store front!

Cottage love #16

Hello, hello...I'm back with another beautiful home on this gorgeous Monday ;)... I am always so excited to come across an inspiring home to share with you all. This week's beauty is Kathryn Stockett's (the author of the book, The Help ) fabulous abode. It is located in a suburb of Atlanta and it does not disappoint. I will be forever drawn to white bungalows and this version with the addition of large iron windows is a stunner! I honestly can say I would take the outside view of this house in a second, just add a pool and I'd be in heaven. All images courtesy of Atlanta Homes + Lifestyles magzine. Those doors!

Mengenal Dan memilih Mata Kail

FUNGSI DAN ASAS MATA KAIL. Sebelum ini anda telah diperkenalkan tentang mengenal dan memilih serta jenis-jenis mesin pancing dan joran. Mudah-mudahan anda telah mendapat serba sedikit tip untuk membeli peralatan tersebut. Kali ini, kita akan mengenal serba sedikit tentang mata kail, fungsi dan asas nya. Dipasaran sekarang terdapat ribuan jenis mata pancing yang menunggu untuk digunakan olih pemancing. Malahan untuk satu jenama sahaja, ia mempunyai berbagai bentuk dan berbagai jenis mata kail malahan dilaporkan ada yang memiliki lebih kurang 14,000 ke 16,000 bentuk dan model. Ini belum ditambah dari jenama pengilang lain. Andai kita untuk membicarakan tentang mata kail ini mungkin seminggu pun tak selesai. Jadi mari kita fokuskan secara am sahaja. Untuk pengetahuan anda sebenarnya,ribuan mata kail yang dicipta adalah modifikasi dari hanya 5 jenis mata kail asas. Untuk mengenali asas rekabentuk mata kail mari kita pelajari serba sedikit fungsi sebenar mata kail. Ia terbaha...