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Menampilkan postingan dari Juli, 2012

channelling Jackie

In honor of the late Jackie O's birthday on July 28th, I thought I'd share a fashion post inspired by her timeless, colorful style.  Plus, I was overdue and had a request for a "fashion" post. Jackie, we'll always love your style. I can't lie, I'm inspired by this fashion icon when purchasing the classic pieces for my wardrobe! I'm also loving red and turquoise at the moment. channelling Jackie by julieatshelter featuring chanel fragrance Vivienne Westwood Anglomania off shoulder top Moschino Cheap & Chic winter white pants Jack Rogers flat heels Hermès shopping tote bag Givenchy earrings Chanel chain jewelry $1,250 - Jeepers Peepers vintage eyewear BERNHARD WILLHELM Print Scarf $250 - Estée Lauder lip makeup $29 - Chanel fragrance $145 -


Here's what I have my eye on this week.... 1. The Hampton's Show House Nursery by designer House of Honey 2. These glamorous Emerald Earrings by Tory Burch 3. Someday I'll own a classic Cartier watch that can be passed down to my daughter and then to her daughter etc. etc. 4. Aside from honesty, the ability to laugh easily is a favorite trait in a person. On the dating front I  absolutely need this quality in a guy. ;) 5. I would love to add a Chippendale inspired stair rail to my new home!! (when I find it, that is) 6.  Ever since a fox family inhabited my urban backyard, I've got a penchant for foxes. I'm loving this door knocker from Ivy and Vine .

"White" again...

So I mentioned this week that my house hunt is officially "ON".  It's pretty exciting actually. I think change is a constant and that is a good thing! I'm not sure where I will land yet but I guess the fun part is that I'll need to get creative either way because I of course have a budget buying this place solo. I looked at one home last week, that is truly a cottage, and I don't mean that in a charming way at the moment. It has wood paneling on the interior, I would change some out but would also need to retain some of it. I think wood paneling looks clean painted a crisp, warm white shade. It may seem obvious, but it just works so well. I also love that you can mix virtually any color with it. I thought this beach home designed by Joel Snayd was sweet. Isn't it? Okay, this is a great beach shower idea and I may just have to use it. I've always wanted an outdoor shower! The open second floor concept is beautiful here as is this little bedroom below wi...

PTD 2 1v1 Level 1 Released and PTD2's Name Change!

Want to get the Shiny legendary dogs? Shiny Mew? or any other shiny pokemon in the game? Adopt them today using SnD coins! Click here for more info. Visit the PTD: Pokemon Center - a place to trade pokemon, get your Daily Code, adopt Pokemon, view your items and change your avatar! You can play by going to the " Play PTD2 " tab.  Pokemon Center Progress List: Add de-leveling feature (0%) - For Casino Coins or SnD Coins (Similar to removing hacked version) you can lower the level of your pokemon. The purpose of this feature was to allow you to use your pokemon from ptd1 earlier in ptd2 but my faithful fans from the forum do not agree this is a good features. They argue that this will make the game too easy. (They are right! Level 10 Mewtwo still pwnes you!) So I will listen to them and not add it. I'm listening guys/gals! New Level, Bug Fixes, New Additions v1.10 (08/16/12): ...

Baby you're a star!

As most of my readers know I've had a whirlwind of a couple of years..a cheating spouse, two kids under the age of four, a lengthy divorce, and many many crazy changes but I have to say as long as you and your family are healthy and you're not going to be forced out onto the streets, everything works out!! And mark my words, it's usually for the better!  I'm in a really good place right now on so many levels. (I've been to the beach more this summer then I've have in years - my personal escape). I have a stressful couple of months ahead of me (so bear with me on the blog posts) but I'm staying positive that the direction I am heading is the right one for me and my children! I went house hunting on Friday. eeek. I really hope I can find something soon! I'm moving either way by mid-October so stayed tuned for the juicy and not so juicy details! (I came across this top image via Luella and June - it made my morning) So If you are in a bad place or feeling...

Shelter Loves 7.19.12

Here's a round up of what I'm pinning this week! 1. Vintage Bridgette Bardot photos 2. Unique pulls: leather , Brass knot 3. Horseshoe cuff 4. Serena and Lily Marmot Pendant 5. Kate Spade Zebra Belt 6. This Nick Olsen bedroom via Veranda Mag.


I'm sure it's been ridiculously hot where you live so I won't talk about the weather. Although, I will mention the fact that most houses aren't air conditioned in Boston. Mine happens to be one of them. I do of course have a unit in my bedroom so my kids thought it would be a good idea to sleep with me. Sharing a bed with a squirmy 2 and 4 year old is far from restful. I had a couple of rare minutes this am to scan pinterest. I love when I discover an image that I've never seen, like the one above. The over sized surfing photos make the space. This image got me thinking of my love in general of over -sized images depicting anything "ocean" related..surfing, the beach, the sea etc. etc.  I try to spend money wisely lately but I think money on travel and art is well spent. I have always wanted an over sized Massimo Vitali , but until then I may have to go with a "less" expensive option like the one I found on Etsy below! (bottom image is linked) L...

I miss ACK !

 HERE IS WHY:  The sheer beauty and history All the vintage truck and cars jeep top down freedom The quaintness The brick and cobblestones The amazing interiors!! The fashion and people (everyone is there to have a good time) The architecture The Beaches The gardens Oversand vehicle permits - perfection A cottage like this would do me just fine!! I walked by this one all week. The nightlife (yes, I still go to the box!) The shopping The celebrations Nantucket is up there on my list of "favorite places" on earth. I try to visit as often as I can, which really isn't enough! I've only missed one summer visit over the past 20 years! I'm hoping to spend at least one month out of the summer there someday! A girl can dream right?? Always! Never stop dreaming!